August 9 Action Needed: CAD UDDS Data

This communication is being sent to known users of UW–Madison’s Campus Active Directory Service (CADS) with groups that receive UDDS (Unit, Division, Department, Sub-department) data.

Dear Colleagues,
We are seeking information about your CADS groups that receive UDDS data. The information you provide will inform the Identity & Access Management (IAM) Team’s next steps as we work to make data from Workday available to you via IAM infrastructure.

To do

Update the Legacy-UDDS-Groups-In-Use_SHARE sheet to outline how your CAD group(s) are using UDDS.
  • Use the instructions under the “Directions” tab.
  • Please complete this by Aug 9, 2024.
  • This will take approximately 5 minutes per Campus Active Directory group.
  • Your input is needed to ensure IAM has the necessary information to send you future options related to receiving UDDS-type information.
  • Attend the FAQ Session with IAM for CAD Action Items on August 20 from 1-2pm.

To know

IAM will:
  • Iterate and provide resources via the Ancillary Systems Program Website.
  • Communicate directly with Ancillary System Owners, Manifest/Grouper group owners, and Campus Active Directory users.
  • Communicate when technical testing for IAM integrations used by ancillary systems can begin.
Questions? Work through your assigned Readiness Project Manager or Technical Coach (as applicable).
Thank you,
Identity & Access Management Team