Sent by DoIT Communications on behalf of Morgan Andersen and Patrick Hare.
Hello Ancillary Systems Program team,
Based on feedback from you at the ASP Team Updates meeting, we wanted to share some ASP resources that may be helpful as we move forward with this initiative.
- Attached is a one-pager which gives a high-level overview of what ASP is and the work that has been completed as of September 2022.
- Also attached is the ASP org chart (as of September 2022) and a high-level diagram showing how each ASP team works together on this initiative.
- You can view the ASP metrics dashboard here. You may need to request access.
- The ASP status dashboard is located here. You should also be receiving a monthly email notifying you that it’s been updated.
- NOTE: If you scroll to the bottom of this dashboard, you will see a list of commonly used acronyms.
- For other project updates or to view our regularly updated FAQ, please visit the ASP website.
- Note that there is also an ASP Team Google document that contains the above information, as well as a bit more.
Thank you,
Whitney Jacobson
Communications Specialist
DoIT Communications
Division of Information Technology
University of Wisconsin–Madison