You are receiving this email as you are listed as a technical and/or business contact for an ancillary system using a legacy data view. Legacy data views provide customers with identity data from IAM infrastructure and allows them to access it as needed. However, we would like you to consider transitioning your system from its legacy data view to Person API (Application Programming Interface). The Person API is a standardized, modern, effective way to get Person data for your application.
Why this is important
With the implementation of Workday, you will be required to update how your application integrates with Person data. If you transition your ancillary systems to Person API now, you will benefit from the availability of pre-go-live Workday data in the Person API. Additionally, the more applications that leverage Person API as a single source of truth, the better the user experience will be across the UW–Madison community.
Things to note
Transitioning to Person API is not required and legacy data views will be supported through the transition to Workday. For systems that cannot move to Person API, IAM will be modifying legacy data views. It is the responsibility of the Ancillary System owner to test their legacy data views and ensure everything is in place for the Workday go-live.
Eventually, we will no longer be able to support these legacy data views and a transition will be necessary so it’s worth considering a transition today.
Learn more about Person API
Please review the Person API documentation, which includes tutorial videos.
- If you have questions on Person API, please contact the DoIT Enterprise Integration API Team by emailing api@doit.wisc.edu or completing this form (https://go.wisc.edu/k701y6).
- If you have questions regarding your ancillary system as it relates to the Workday implementation, contact the institutional or ancillary system business analyst (BA).
Thank you,
Identity Access Management (IAM)
Division of Information Technology (DoIT)
University of Wisconsin–Madison