Prepare for organization and worktag structures in Workday

Sent by DoIT Communications to UW–Madison Ancillary Systems owners on behalf of the UW–Madison Ancillary Systems Program (ASP) team.

UW–Madison Ancillary System Owners –

We realize you still have many questions regarding the upcoming transition to Workday, how that will impact your system(s), and what changes you will need to make. More information will be coming to you in the next few weeks. In the meantime, we are reaching out so that you can begin thinking of how the upcoming structural changes in Workday will impact the current architecture and/or workflows of your system(s) and what changes may be needed to move forward.

On January 18, the ATP Finance team gave a presentation on the Foundation Data Model (FDM) dimensions and structure in Workday. View the Jan. 18 presentation here. Presumably, you have heard that UDDS (Unit Division Department Sub-Department) is going away with Workday. This presentation will help you (to some extent) understand what this means and allow you to start planning the retrofit work that may be required within your current system(s).


In Workday, employees are organized into groups that serve a common purpose. Therefore, one of the first items that will need to be considered is how the workforce within your system will be grouped.

The example below (Slide A) shows various groupings within an organization. The yellow square consists of a Supervisory group, the green rectangle is made up of Cost Center employees, and so on. As you can see, it is possible for a person to be tied to multiple groupings.

Slide A


Workday users will assign transactions with ‘worktags’. A Driver worktag is the main worktag associated with a transaction. Driver worktag examples include Grant, Gift, Project and Program. In PeopleSoft, these are all represented by a single value, Project. The Workday system allows for more flexibility in making these assignments. A Related worktag is an additional value that gets populated with each transaction. Related worktag examples include Cost Center, Fund and Function.

FDM worktag definitions can be found in this Workday Quick Reference Guide.

This ATP web page shows visual representations of our current funding string system compared to the future Workday equivalent. Slide B below illustrates a current-versus-future Program Driver worktag.

Slide B

Please take the time to understand how the structure is changing and what that will mean for your system. As you go through these materials, please reach out to with any questions. Or visit the Ancillary Systems Program website. We will continue to share relevant information as it becomes available.

Thank you,

UW–Madison ERP Ancillary Systems Program (ASP) team


Whitney Jacobson
Communications Specialist
DoIT Communications
Division of Information Technology
University of Wisconsin–Madison



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