Aug 20 FAQ Session with IAM for CAD Action Items

This communication is being sent to known users of UW–Madison’s Campus Active Directory Service (CADS) with groups that receive UDDS (Unit, Division, Department, Sub-department) data.
Dear Colleagues,
In an email sent on July 25th, we outlined action items for contacts of Campus Active Directory groups that receive UDDS.  These action items are to prepare for the upcoming changes associated with the transition to Workday. The Identity & Access Management (IAM) team is hosting a virtual Q&A, August 20th 1pm-2pm, to answer questions associated with these action items.
This will not be a presentation, but rather a forum for you to ask questions to aid in completing the below To dos.

To do

  • Update the Legacy-UDDS-Groups-In-Use_SHARE sheet to outline how your CAD group(s) are using UDDS.
    • Use the instructions under the “Directions” tab.
    • The original completion date of Aug 9, 2024 has passed, therefore your attention to this request is appreciated.
    • This will take approximately 5 minutes per Campus Active Directory group.
    • Your input is needed to ensure IAM has the necessary information to send you future options related to receiving UDDS-type information.
  • Attend IAM Q&A Session
    • Date: Aug 20, 1pm to 2pm
    • Facilitators: Abrianna Barca, IAM associate director; Jessica Esse, business analyst. An IAM Engineer will attend to answer technical questions.
    • Modality: Virtual-only
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Intended audience: contacts of Campus Active Directory groups that receive UDDS
Questions? Work through your assigned Readiness Project Manager or Technical Coach (as applicable).
Thank you,
Identity & Access Management Team