This is a complicated project with a lot of moving pieces and parts. The following are a few of the questions we’ve heard so far, along with their corresponding answers.
In this page
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Where do I submit questions to the IAM Team?
Please attend an IAM Q&A Session to ask your question(s). We also recommend reviewing the IAM Q&A to see if your question has been answered. If your question is related to an IAM call to action email; carefully review the associated google sheet’s “Directions” tab as the directions are regularly updated based upon feedback/ questions received. You should also work with your assigned Readiness Project Manager or Technical Coach (as applicable).
Will NetIDs (i.e. bbadger) be impacted or converted to UTF8?
No. NetIDs will not be converted to UTF8 and will continue to be defined and delivered with ASCII Characters. The format for NetIDs will not be changing.
Is it possible to map a manifest group to multiple sup orgs/cost centers or only one?
Manifest Group Owners will be able to add multiple sup orgs and cost centers to a Manifest Group. Manifest Group Owners can add multiple sup orgs in addition to multiple cost centers as a Manifest Group can have both added.
How will Manifest group owners be able to include or exclude indirect members of the organization?
In Manifest, for both sup org and cost center there will be trees/folders for direct members and indirect members. Direct members are only those people directly affiliated with an organization by their position. Indirect members are those that belong to a ‘parent’ organization because they are a member of a ‘child’ organization. Manifest group owners will be able to select direct members and/or indirect members. For additional information, please review the May 13 Presentation “Identity and Access Management (IAM): Grouper and Manifest”
How will automatic title groups, currently available in Manifest, be updated for Workday go live?
Currently, in Manifest the automatic title groups group people by job title. As of February 2025, there are approximately 140 job title groups. IAM will build solutions for each of the job title groups, making a best-effort match. This work will proceed in March after the Cost Center & Sup Org Remapping and ATP Dress Rehearsal tenant build to allow IAM to have the data on approx. 3/10/25. Customers will receive the proposed replacements for validation/review.
Where can I find additional ATP FAQs for ancillary system owners?
There are several additional resources available for ancillary system owners.
- ATP maintains an Integrations FAQ, with focus on the data structure changes with Workday. If you have any questions for the ATP Integrations Team, please submit an inquiry through the ATP Integrations Contact Form.
- UW–Madison maintains a Tech Readiness FAQ, with broad Q&A on anything related to Ancillary Systems and Technical Readiness.
- UW–Madison maintains a Cutover FAQ for anything Cutover and Deployment related.
In Manifest, will contingent workers be included in Sup Orgs and Cost Centers?
Workday will define the reporting structure for contingent workers and Manifest will share the data as it is defined in Workday. Manifest Group owners will be able to select a Sup Org that contains both employees and contingent workers, a Sup Org that contains only employees, or a Sup Org that contains only contingent workers. Likewise, Manifest Group owners will be able to select a Cost Center that contains both employees and contingent workers, a Cost Center that contains only employees, or a Cost Center that contains only contingent workers.
How do I represent my preference for Sup Org or Cost Center as a replacement for UDDS?
(This question is related to the 10/3 communication → Manifest Groups using UDDS: Resources & Next Steps). You would indicate the Sup Org ID (example: SO00002795) or Cost Center ID (example: CC003040).
Will Manifest provide Cost Center and Cost Center hierarchy levels?
According to UDDS Guidance for Ancillary Systems, a Cost Center Hierarchy “indicates how Cost Centers are rolled up into one another for security and reporting purposes” and a Cost Center is the “lowest level in the Cost Center Hierarchy.” In Manifest, each ‘level’ of the Cost Center hierarchy will be available as a Cost Center which will allow users to select any point within the Cost Center hierarchy as a cost center. Manifest will not display the levels within a Cost Center hierarchy as a structure (e.g. no tree).
When will Workday data, like Sup Org, be in Manifest?
UW–Madison HR is working on an initiative called Sup Org Remapping from now until January 31, 2025. IAM will pre-stage Sup Orgs in Manifest once HR has finalized changes to Sup Org and the data is available to us. Our current understanding is that will happen with the March 2025 refresh of the environment.
What changes do I need to make to my Windows Settings to consume UTF8?
To enable UTF-8 in Windows 10 (or 11), you can do the following: 1) Go to Settings, 2) Select Time & language, 3) Select Language & region, 4) Select Administrative language settings, Select Change system locale, 5) Check the box for Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support, 6) Click OK, 7) Restart your computer.
Can the Person API help me map between UDDS and Supervisory Organization?
The Person API can identify people with a relationship to a given Supervisory Organization. See the “In Operator” section of the Person API Filter Query Parameter resource for information on how to perform this sort of API request.
Can IAM identify the NetID associated with a legacy data view to identify who is using the legacy data view?
No, there is not a NetID to legacy data view mapping. This question is related to the Action Needed by August 15: IAM test option preparation (Legacy Data View) email.
Where can I get the list of legacy data views? What is the legacy data view used for my ancillary system?
IAM will be adding the legacy data view name(s) used by each ancillary system to this sheet: UW Madison Ancillary Systems with Known Data View_07292024. This sheet is only being used temporarily to collaborate with system owners and should not be considered a source of truth for a list of all systems using legacy data views and associated information. This question is related to the Action Needed by August 15: IAM test option preparation (Legacy Data View) email.
How should ancillary system owners handle multiple systems using the same legacy data view or “downstream” systems consuming data?
This question is related to the Action Needed by August 15: IAM test option preparation (Legacy Data View) email.
- Scenario 1: If a legacy dataview is used for an ancillary system that is then sharing data with other systems/ reports, then the ancillary system owner will need to coordinate with the “downstream” systems/ users. IAM will not be coordinating with the “downstream” systems/ users. These “downstream” systems that are indirectly using data from the legacy data view do not need to be incorporated into answering questions associated with the Action Needed by August 15: IAM test option preparation (Legacy Data View) email in the UW Madison Ancillary Systems with Known Data View_07292024 sheet.
- Scenario 2: Multiple systems using the same legacy data view is not recommended. If that is the case, then IAM would need to know this information to ensure IAM can send proper testing communications. IAM is in the process of updating UW Madison Ancillary Systems with Known Data View_07292024 to list which legacy data view is used for each ancillary system. If there are inaccuracies, please email UW Madison ERP Ancillary Systems <> with the ASUID, system name, legacy data view name, and a description on what is inaccurate.
In Manifest, will the supervisory organization include teams that are downstream?
In Manifest, there will be groups for both individual direct reports and cascading Supervisory Organization trees below it. For example, it will be possible to see Lois Brooks, UW–Madison CIO, direct reports or see the entire organization that reports to Lois.
In the future, when using Manifest, will users add groups by supervisory organization/cost center names or by the associated codes/IDs?
Primarily, users will use the ID. Example: For DoIT’s user services the ID is CC003043 and the name is “UWMSN | DoIT | User Services”. For this example, the ID CC003043 will be primarily used in Manifest.
Users will also be able to see the name in the description. Each supervisory organization will have multiple groups to represent a person’s organization membership (e.g. direct vs indirect).
How will data driven groups in Manifest work going forward?
If you are using groups that are constructed by IAM like “uw:ref:hr_system:current_paid_madison_job”, IAM will adjust those to meet Workday standards. While we don’t expect significant changes, there will be changes based on how Workday works. For example, in Workday, a person can only be an employee or contingent worker. Therefore, populations will shift slightly due to changes upstream in Workday.
Groups created or used in a school/college/division based on UDDS will require the manifest group owner to work on conversion because there is no one to one replacement of UDDS to Supervisory Organization. Specific instructions were sent to group owners in June and were posted here: Feedback Needed: Manifest Groups using UDDS
Are supervisors in the organization that they supervise?
Natively out of Workday, supervisors are not in the Supervisory Organization of the group that they supervise. In our grouping infrastructure for Manifest and Person API, the supervisor will be in the group that they manage under the Supervisory Organization. This does not apply to the Cost Center.
How can I sign up to be an early adopter or participate in a pilot?
Because of the tight timelines, there won’t be any early adopters/pilots groups. If you have an integration with IAM, get data from Campus Active Directory, have a system that’s connected to NetID Login, or manage UDDS driven Manifest groups you will be included in the communications we send to those Ancillary System Owners and Group Owners. All communications will also be published to our website:
Do ancillary system owners (ASOs) need to do additional analysis to identify the legacy data views their systems are using?
Yes, IAM has done analysis to identify legacy dataviews, but there are likely systems or data views not included on the current ASP ancillary system list.
How will NetID Login attributes be changing as it relates to the transition to Workday using UTF8 characters?
Please start by reviewing Unformatted Data (ASCII to UTF8), as this provides foundational information to understand UTF8.
In the future, NetID Login will deliver UTF8 names via the existing attributes. If your system is able to leverage UTF8 then there’s no change needed to consume the UTF8 name other than testing your application.
If your system is unable to leverage UTF8 characters, IAM will change out the value to the ASCII only character set. In order to facilitate this, IAM will reach out to system owners and ask if they are able to consume UTF8 characters. It will be crucial to be responsive to IAM communications.
Can I test UTF8 for NetID login before IAM shares testing information?
IAM will communicate directly with ancillary system owners when technical testing for IAM integrations used by ancillary systems can begin. These communications will include testing options/ directions.
What if I have questions about supervisory org or cost center?
The first step is to review the resources listed in the UDDS Transitioning to Supervisory Organization and Cost Center page. If there are still unanswered questions:
Supervisory Organization vs. Cost Center questions: leverage the UDDS Guidance for Ancillary Systems webpage, specifically it states “Submit this form if you need help understanding the right structures to use in your application.” Additionally, we have asked our ATP colleagues to consider publishing additional resources and guidance.
Questions about supervisory organization should go to HR Readiness Leads for the specific School/ College/ Division which can be found by going to the The UW-Madison Stakeholder _ATP Readiness Dashboard. Scroll down to the section “School/ College/ Division Status”, click on the School/College/ Division that applies to you and a dashboard for your School/College/ Division will open that has a “Key Contacts” section. Your HR Readiness Lead will be listed in the “Key Contacts” section.
Questions about cost center should go to FDM Editors
Where can I find information about HRS to Workday data conversions?
HR Data data conversion questions should be routed to the HR Readiness Lead for your School/ College/ Division.
Finance data conversion questions should be routed to the Finance Readiness Lead for your School/ College/ Division.
Your HR and Finance Readiness Leads are listed in the dashboard for your School/College/ Division. Go to the UW-Madison Stakeholder _ATP Readiness Dashboard. Scroll down to the section “School/ College/ Division Status”, click on the School/College/ Division that applies to you and a dashboard for your School/College/ Division will open that has a “Key Contacts” section. Your HR and Finance Readiness Lead will be listed in the “Key Contacts” section. If you do not have an HR or Finance Readiness Lead, then submit your questions to your Readiness Project Manager.
Who is my Readiness Project Manager or Technical Coach?
Key contacts for ancillary system owners are listed in the dashboard for your School/College/ Division. Go to the UW-Madison Stakeholder _ATP Readiness Dashboard. Scroll down to the section “School/ College/ Division Status”, click on the one that applies to you and a dashboard for your School/College/ Division will open that has a “Key Contacts” section. Your Readiness Project Manager or Technical Coach will be listed in the “Key Contacts” section
You can also use this UW-Madison Technical Coaches and PM’s dashboard.
Can a system be provisioned to allow access to anyone with a NetID?
Manifest, NetID Login, Campus Active Directory, and Legacy Data Views can be used to provision to anyone with a NetID. However, the entire NetID population is very large and includes people like alumni. Therefore, IAM does not generally recommend provisioning to everyone with a NetID. IAM recommends provisioning to specific populations, such as enrolled students and active paid employees. For provisioning application support, please use the IAM intake form.
If a data view will not be replaced with Person API prior to go-live, what is the expectation? Should system owners be looking for a replacement or will IAM continue to support those?
If a legacy data view is still in use and will not be replaced by Person API, the IAM team will work directly with the system owner on a new data view that leverages Workday data. System owners will be responsible for identifying what department-specific Workday data elements should be used in the data view (e.g, Supervisory Organization) and testing the new data view. IAM will contact system owners directly with testing options/ instructions.
What systems leveraging NetID Login need to be tested as it relates to data changes for Workday?
Only systems that receive name and/ or UDDS data via NetID login will be required to test for IAM. The associated Entity IDs for NetID login that consume name and/or UDDS data are listed NetID Login Validate System Info. IAM will communicate directly with these system owners when testing instructions are available.
What Manifest groups will need to be tested as it relates to data changes for Workday?
Manifest groups that currently use UDDS (and may contain other HR data) will require owners to identify the Supervisory Organization and/or Cost Center that will replace the UDDS group used in their Manifest group. Manifest group owners for groups that use UDDS will also be asked to test their updated Manifest group(s).
What if the group administrators of a Manifest group are unsure what the group is used for?
Please review Manifest – Identifying if a Manifest Group is in Use to identify if a Manifest group is providing access to a service.